
Recent Posts

  • July 13, 2015

    New York City vehicle collision analysis

    Worst location, weather and location-clusteringIn New York City, more than 200,000 motor vehicle collisions happen every year.This means about every 3min, a collision happens somewhere in NYC. To reduce collisions, we need to discover the key fact...

  • May 31, 2015

    Coffee drink trends from Amazon reviews

    This time I analyzed 4,260,181 reviews of Amazon products from 1996-2014 in the "home & kitchen" category. As a big coffee fan myself, I was curious about which types of coffee are getting popular at home. I think one big trend in co...

  • May 18, 2015

    Connection between primary and secondary diagnosis

    101,766 patients diagnosis data was visualized using d3.js.Some primary diagnosis have more number of patients have particular secondary diagnosis (e.g. hyperosmorarity), on the other hand some have very wide spread sencondary diagnosis (e.g. cere...

  • May 16, 2015

    Hospitalized patient readmission prediction

    Readmission rate is one of the key indicators for the hospitals to maintain their quality.In 2014, Medicare fined a record number of 2,610 hospitals for having too many patients return within a month for additional treatments.referencePredicting ...

  • April 28, 2015

    Coffee shop in NYC 1

    STUMPTOWN Coffee Roasters W.29thStumptown coffee roasters is one of most popular coffee shop in New York City now. Although I am new to NYC, my friend recommended me Stumptown. Modern desgin of shop interior and perfectly polished La Marzocco mach...